Serving Opportunities

“Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly: if prophecy, according to the proportion of his faith; if service, in his serving; or he who teaches, in his teaching; or he who exhorts, in his exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.” - Romans 12:6-8

Come build the church and community around us through the various ministries below and here! If you would like to find out more about how you can serve and connect with others who may help you discover your gifts in ministry, contact


Boys’ Brigade & Girls’ Brigade

The 47th Boys’ and 55th Girls’ Brigade ministry is a joint effort between Serangoon Garden Secondary School, the Boys’ and Girls' Brigade and volunteers from TMC, with the aim of developing each individual to their fullest potential by equipping, empowering and enabling.

Volunteers from TMC are involved in the Brigade’s parades, running of camps and mentoring young men and women.

For more information, click on the links below:

Boys’ Brigade:

Girls’ Brigade:


The Communications Ministry aims to magnify the glory of God’s work within the church and the community through internal and external communication channels. This includes the Saltshaker newsletter, the TMC website, TMC social channels and visual collaterals to support our calendar of events during the year.

Discipleship & Nurture

The vision of D&N is for every member in the congregation to be like the Berean Jew as described in Acts 17:11, receiving God's message in great eagerness and examining the Scriptures daily to see if what is said is true.

We do so by:

  • Enriching our members' Word life: Procuring materials and maintaining the Discipling Hub (located at Benjamin @ L2, and is open every Sunday)

  • Enabling our members to delve deeper into Scripture: Searching out and administering Word-based training and talks for members and visitors

  • Encouraging disciplers and their disciples on their discipling journeys: Supporting disciplers in their discipling relationships

To learn more about Discipling in TMC, please click here.


In the 1990s, TMC adopted Cambodia as our church’s mission focus and established our sister church, Glory Trinity Methodist Church (GTMC). The Missions Committee has sinced work tirelessly to educate congregation about God's work in the world, giving intentional care to our missionaries and support for our partner agencies, and empowering TMC members to engage in missions as part of their discipleship journeys.

Outreach & Social Concerns (OSC)

The OSC ministry drives TMC's efforts to meet the social, financial, educational and spiritual needs of the underprivileged in our society. We focus on reaching, befriending, assisting and bringing the Gospel to the unchurched in our community, especially those who are marginalized and vulnerable. Some of our efforts include running Youth Avenue (a youth activity centre at Serangoon North), partnering Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home and St. Luke’s Eldercare to run programs for their residents. We are always looking for volunteers to join us in our programmes and outreach efforts, find out more here.

Prayer & Intercession

The intercessory prayer committee rallies the church to pray for both corporate and individual needs. Through meetings as well as an email network, the prayer and intercession committee mobilises people to pray.

They lead our weekly church-wide prayer nights, more info here.

Witness & Evangelism

The Witness and Evangelism committee encourages and empowers TMC worshippers to be salt and light of the world. W&E provides support through prayers and platforms for TMC worshippers to point non-believing families, colleagues and friends in their spheres of influence to Christ Jesus, in conformity to a B.L.E.S.S. lifestyle that engage others in a winsome manner:

B - Begin with a prayer
L - Listen to your friend
E - Eat with your friend
S - Serve your friend
S - Share your story

Worship & Music

The Worship and Music Committee facilitates worshippers in understanding the meaning, purposes and practices of worship. The subgroups under this committee include the musicians, choristers, scripture readers, worship leaders, ushers, AV crew and flower arrangers.

The Women's Society of Christian Service (WSCS)

The WSCS ministries centre on four main pillars to help Methodist women find a place of belonging where they can serve God, grow together as sisters in Christ and encourage each other in their Christian walk. Programmes and activities are planned and organised with the intent of these four areas of ministries: Discipleship & Nurture, Missions, Outreach & Social Concerns and Witness & Evangelism. They provide a platform for women to be equipped in the areas of leadership and servanthood for the general ministry of the local church.