Join Us

Be part of our community, we want to connect with you! Here’s a glimpse of our various ministries and if you would like to find out more, just drop us a note here!


Children’s Ministry

Children’s Ministry welcomes children anywhere between a few months old and Primary 6. Let your children learn and grow in faith while you attend the main service with a peace of mind!


Chinese Ministry 

If you are Mandarin-speaking or know someone who is, come join our Chinese Ministry led by Pastor Jacob. Besides the weekly Mandarin service, we also connect you to our Mandarin-speaking community through small groups and events.


Glowing Years Ministry (GYM)

GYM seeks to bring seniors together through meaningful activities and events. Enjoy your golden years in the company of fellow disciples, and make friends with fellow church-goers.


Young Adults' Ministry

The Young Adults’ Ministry rallies young adults (aged 20-35) to grow together in discipleship with Christian peers in a similar phase of life. Our young adults are actively engaged in discipleship groups and small groups, and participate regularly in community activities in and around the church. 


Small Groups

Be part of a small group and be plugged into a community of believers who will journey with you in spiritual growth.


Youth Ministry

The TMC Youth Ministry comprises the youth and tertiary community in the church. Through discipleship and the studying of the Word, the desire of our Youth Ministry is to raise and nurture young people to become a generation that walks in the fear of the Lord and stands fearless before men.