Personal Data Protection Policy

Trinity Methodist Church
34 Serangoon Garden Way, Singapore 555940

Please read this Personal Data Protection Policy Statement (“Policy Statement”) carefully as it contains important information about how and why Trinity Methodist Church (“TMC”) collects, uses and discloses your personal data (as defined by the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (No.26 of 2012)).

  1. Definitions

    “Constituency Roll” of TMC consists of the names and addresses of such persons as are not members of TMC, including unbaptised children, preparatory or baptised children who have reached the age of 16 but have not been received into full membership at TMC, and adult non- members for whom TMC has pastoral responsibility.

    “Cookies” are small files that stay on your computer until, depending on whether it is a sessional or persistent cookie, you turn your computer off or it expires. Cookies may collect and store your personal data.

    “Data Protection Officer” in this Policy Statement refers to the person appointed or elected from time to time by the Local Church Executive Committee, and who can be contacted at The Data Protection Officer is responsible for ensuring that TMC complies with the Act. The Data Protection Officer may delegate certain responsibilities to other members of staff.

    “Deemed consent” means consent that an individual is deemed to have been given for the collection, use or disclosure of his personal data if he voluntarily provides the personal data to TMC for that purpose; and it is reasonable that he would voluntarily provide the data.

    “Full Membership Roll” consists of all baptised persons aged 16 years and above who have come into membership at TMC by profession of faith, or by transfer from another church, and whose names have not been removed by death, transfer, withdrawal, or removal by Local Conference action.

    “Personal Data” means data, whether true or not, about an individual who can be identified (a) from that data; or (b) from that data and other information to which TMC has or is likely to have access.

    “Preparatory Membership Roll” contains the names and pertinent information of baptised children and youth of TMC under 16 years of age who are not full members of TMC.

    “Trinity Methodist Church” or “TMC” includes the Trinity Methodist Church Kindergarten and the Chapel of Life (both situated at 34 Serangoon Garden Way, Singapore 555940) and Youth Avenue (situated at Block 123 Serangoon North Ave 1, Singapore 550123).

    “You” includes your child or ward.

    Terms not defined can be found in the Book of Discipline of the Methodist Church in Singapore (2013 ed.).

  2. Your Personal Data

    2.1. Your record at TMC includes the personal data you provided as:

    • a member or regular worshipper at TMC;

    • an applicant for baptism, membership or marriage at TMC;

    • an applicant to or for events, activities, services and other programmes organised by TMC;

    • an applicant for employment at TMC;

    • a donor (which includes a regular giver of pledges and tithes); or

    • a visitor to TMC.

    All members should note that members’ personal data may be disclosed to the Local Conference (Trinity Methodist Church) and the Trinity Annual Conference of the Methodist Church in Singapore pursuant to ss.134-143, 154.12, 234.10 of the Book of Discipline of the Methodist Church in Singapore (2013 ed.).

    2.2. Written parental / guardian consent will be sought for the collection, use and disclosure of personal data of persons below the age of 16 or those with certified medical / mental conditions.

    2.3. Any personal data provided by you in future may be used to update your record.

    2.4. The personal data which we collect about you is collected, used and disclosed for the purposes informed to and consented by you at the time of collection. Where such purpose is not expressly notified to you, your personal data will be collected, used and disclosed for the purposes that it is deemed to have been given (see “Deemed Consent” under “Definitions”).

    2.5. Photography or video recording may take place within the church during worship services, church ministry events or other church-related activities. Such photographs and videos are the property of the TMC. TMC may use any of these photos or recordings for communication or promotional purposes in print and electronic media, including but not limited to the church bulletin, the church website, the church newsletter and online photo galleries. By entering TMC’s premises and participating in the worship services and other activities, you are deemed to have given consent for the use of your image captured in any photo or video recording by TMC for the above-mentioned purposes. Names and other identifying information will not be published unless consent is specifically sought from you.

    2.6. As with most websites, when you visit TMC’s website ( or use an application on TMC’s website, TMC may record anonymous information such as IP address (where not used to identify a specific individual), time, date, referring URL, pages accessed and documents downloaded, type of browser and operating system. TMC also uses “cookies”. You may adjust your internet browser to disable cookies. If cookies are disabled you may still use TMC’s website, but may be limited in the use of some of the features.

  3. Access and Correction

    3.1. When providing your personal data to TMC, please ensure that it is complete and accurate in order for us to maintain data completeness and accuracy.

    3.2. If you wish to access or correct your personal data being held by TMC, please fill in the Access & Correction Request Form available from the Church Office or online here.

    3.3. The Data Protection Officer may request for proof of your identity before allowing you to access or correct your personal data. This is necessary to protect your personal data. Please see the form for further terms that you will have to comply with before gaining access to your personal data.

    3.4 We will endeavour to provide you with access or correct your personal data within 30 days from the date of receipt of your request.

  4. Protection

    4.1. TMC has put in place reasonable security arrangements to prevent unauthorised access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal or similar risks to your personal data.

    4.2. Your personal data is kept confidential. It will be accessible only to authorised persons for the purposes for which the personal data was sought and used strictly for TMC-related administrative matters. We will not otherwise share your personal data with external parties without your consent.

  5. Withdrawal of Consent
    5.1. You may withdraw your consent for TMC to collect, use or disclose certain or all of your personal data by giving us reasonable notice through the Form for Withdrawal of Consent available from the Church Office or online here.

    5.2. The Data Protection Officer may request for proof of your identity before allowing you to withdraw your consent. This is necessary to protect your personal data. Please see the form for further terms that you will have to comply with before withdrawing your consent to the collection, use or disclosure of your personal data.

    5.3. If you do withdraw your consent for TMC to collect, use or disclose personal data which is required for us to maintain your record on the Full Membership Roll, Preparatory Membership Roll, Constituency Roll or the Visitors Database (as the case may be), we may have to delete all of your personal data from the above databases which may result in us not being able to provide and extend pastoral care and ministry and services to you sufficiently. Notwithstanding the foregoing, certain personal data of formal members of TMC will not be deleted as required by paragraphs 134-136 of the Book of Discipline of the Methodist Church in Singapore (2013 ed.).

  6. Retention
    6.1. TMC will retain members’ personal data indefinitely pursuant to paragraphs 134-136 of the Book of Discipline of the Methodist Church in Singapore (2013 ed.).

    6.2. Other records of personal data will be disposed of when the purpose for which that personal data was collected is no longer being served by retention of the personal data; and retention is no longer necessary for legal or business purposes.

  7. Communications

    7.1. All individuals on TMC’s Membership and Constituency Roll receive mail from TMC.

    7.2. All persons who have at one time or another provided their email addresses to TMC will receive a fortnightly email with respect to TMC’s events and activities. To unsubscribe, please follow the instructions on that email; the deletion of a subscription is automatic. To subscribe, please write to

  8. Changes

    8.1. TMC reserves the right to modify and change this Policy Statement at any time. The latest version will be available on TMCs website (

    8.2. If you have any queries on this Policy Statement, please contact our Data Protection Officer by post or email at

(Rev 1 – 24/08/2017)