Our Vision:
Where Disciples Make Disciples

“Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ.”

God wants disciples, not just Christians.

Disciples desire to grow deeper in their relationship with Christ because they are excited to live out the life of fulfillment that God has promised them. They yearn to grow deeper in relationship with one another, carrying each other’s burdens and being there for each other for the long haul. Disciples want the lives of others to be touched and transformed the same way that theirs have.

As our church embarks on the vision of being a place where disciples make disciples, we are actively building discipling relationships amongst all members. 

To get connected to a discipling group, please fill up this simple form or contact Kim Lam at kimlam@tmc.org.sg.



About Us

Trinity Methodist Church (TMC) is a multi-generational church that was established in 1956 by a group of young couples when they saw the need for a Methodist Church in the Serangoon Gardens area. They organised worship services and Sunday School classes in five homes in the estate, marking the inception of our church.

More than 60 years on, we now have about 30 small groups in the church, from seniors to youths. Our congregation has also grown to about 700 regular worshippers every Sunday across our English services, Mandarin service, Children’s Ministry and Youth Ministry – a testament to God’s faithfulness to us.

To learn more about the rich history of our church, check out our church archives here.



Meet Our Pastoral Team and Local Preachers


Reverend Alvin Chan


Reverend Paul Nga


Reverend Sng Chong Hui


Reverend Byron Teo

Mr Jacob Cheng
Chinese Ministry


Mr Ang Hern Shung
LMS (Youth Ministry & Prayer)